Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter (English Edition) [mobi]

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【节选】 Once upon a time, I wrote in the morning, jogged in the late afternoon, and spent most of my evenings reading. Once upon a time, I wrote off as unproductive those days in which I had managed to put down “only” a thousand words. Once upon a time, I played video games almost exclusively with friends. Once upon a time, I did occasionally binge on games, but these binges rarely had less than fortnight between them. Once upon a time, I was, more or less, content. “Once upon a time” refers to relatively recent years (2001-2006) during which I wrote several books and published more than fifty pieces of magazine journalism and criticism—a total output of, give or take, 4,500 manuscript pages. I rarely felt very disciplined during this half decade, though I realize this admission invites accusations of disingenuousness or, failing that, a savage and justified beating. Obviously, I was disciplined. These days, however, I am lucky if I finish reading one book every fortnight. These days, I have read from start to finish exactly two works of fiction—excepting those I was not also reviewing—in the last year. These days, I play video games in the morning, play video games in the afternoon, and spend my evenings playing video games. These days, I still manage to write, but the times I am able to do so for more than three sustained hours have the temporal periodicity of comets with near-Earth trajectories. bgis|55[/pan]

阅读:1849 | 评论:16网友评论:

  • linkhero 发表于 2020-10-10 03:23:32
  • 哈密瓜吃起来很 发表于 2020-10-3 18:26:02
    這麼好的帖子都沒有人頂!d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b,我來多頂頂樓主
  • 君山 发表于 2020-9-26 05:36:38
  • 笨笨 发表于 2020-9-18 22:37:10
  • 艾蒿 发表于 2020-9-10 21:47:19


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【节选】 Once upon a time, I wrote in the morning, jogged in the late afternoon, and spent most of my evenings reading. Once upon a time, I wrote off as unproductive those days in which I had man ...